Wednesday, July 17, 2013

What KC Wiz Means to Me and What it Means to You.

Feels like a good bunch of people have forgotten what the supporter culture is truly about and has taken to starting little spats online and offline with each other about things that include random invites on the Cauldron Facebook page, taken spots in the Member's Stand, and tailgate shenanigans. What the hell people? Have you forgotten what you paid for prior to the start of this season in a season ticket? There comes a point where one man breaks from all the song arguments, nerds dressed up as various attention seeking superheroes, and the worst, friends arguing with friends. When did the Cauldron become more of a job for people than a fun getaway from real life?

I often think back to my own humble Cauldron beginnings, back when the Cauldron was a two deep third base line bleacher area and the opposite stand was a grassy knoll that only politicians and parents with toddlers would be fearful of. I remember going to a game or two before getting season tickets, sitting near the Cauldron but not in it, remembering the days of Arrowhead, of the small group that had blossomed to a nicely sized group of what looked to be great friends. I sat in my chair most of the game, looking at that group, knowing I needed to get in with this, before the move to Bannister, because this thing was gonna take off and I wanted to be on that train of fun and excitement. MLS was sold to me in a minor league baseball park in what was once a wheat field in Kansas.

I could go on and on about the rest of my origins in the Cauldron, including picking my season tickets up in a shady transaction from Sam Pierron, the slick pieces of paper in a small Ticketmaster envelope. But I’m not, told those stories a million times. What I want is to hear your origins now. What brought you to the games, what sold you on the experience? How can we harken back to the wonders and glory that arrived for us in 2011 with the new stadium opening? I want to feel that again, and I hope you do too in a way. Let’s get back to having fun again. I hug less people and shake fewer hands at tailgates now days, feels more territorial than ever. Let’s all be friends and bros again. Join in, game on.

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