Monday, December 9, 2013

Dave Schulz: Man, Myth, Legend.

Long ago, there was a man. This man hated everything to do with what we all know and love as Sporting Kansas City now. He wanted the rainbow to stay, he wanted the stadium at Bannister, he haaattttteedddd Robb Heineman. Then, one day, this man disappeared, right before Sporting Park opened. Can still be found at Comets games.

But, this man, this man seems to have found the light. This man might be coming back to us soon.

November 7th: "So, the Wizards fell a hair short of the the Supporter's Shield. Nuts! Probably a just thing...still no permanent GM, a large problem at GK, no real replacement for Roger, yet another in the unending string of underwhelming Designated Players, Kei gone to Middlesburough, etc. I'm saying holes exist. Still, a good season. As is, a well-earned #2 seed and a Game 1 (of 2) opening roadie at New England tonight. 7p on KSMO. {please let KC score two away tonight, pretty please soccer gods - little g}"

Well, at least Dave still follows the team. Doesn't understand that technical director is basically GM in the organization, Peter Vermes just does it all, then again, he wanted PV fired in 2010. Don't remember him ever liking Jimmy Nielsen ever as well. Uri and Naga laugh hysterically at that comment, Roger continues to waste away at Wigan. Bieler might have turned that around late one. Who cares about Kei now? But Dave still cares.

November 7th: "Kei Kamara has scored 4 in 7 appearances for Middlesbourough. If he was in KC blue tonight, I'm thinking KC would be the overwhelming favorite for MLS Cup and KC would already have the Shield. So, is selling your best player right before the Playoffs the best thing, really? I bet you can guess my opinion. No big deal, it's just Championships, glory, and possible Continental success... Hmmm. {sigh} Go Wizards!!!"

Don't know about that Dave. Kei got awfully shaky at times, even giving up ala the July @Chicago game, where Kei took a small knock early and just stopped trying completely. Shield had nothing to do with Kei and we won the Cup without him, oh well. We got it done Dave, move on.

November 8th: "Wizards: It's good to advance any which way. Still, I'm not giddy that the boys almost got ousted by a fairly pedestrian New England who earned just 5 total shots on net in the 210 minutes and 3 of those 5 scored. Also troublesome is KC's 45 shots earned vs New England with just 14 on net. That simply isn't professional standard."

That was the best thing about Dave, the glass was always half empty.

November 8th: "Wizards: Yes, their GK is awful. Yes, finishing isn't what is required, much less what fans would like. Yes, KC begins in Houston tomorrow with very little recovery time and might get run out the building. Yes, KC can overturn any deficit that might come back to KC with them. All that said, KC is fully cabable of scoring 5 in Houston."

I'd love to show Dave how awful that GK could be during the PKs on December 7th. I also love that he predicts both a Houston win and a KC win in Houston but never thought to include the most boring 0-0 draw I've seen in my life.

November 8th: "Claudio Bieler mis-hit the series winning goal, but it went it, so no complaints..."

Half empty glass. One time touch to put us on the road to MLS Cup victory, but it was "mis-hit." Love ya Dave.

November 8th: "Would have been nice to see the literal carnage Kei Kamara would have laid to the Revs were he still in KC Blue. NE had zero answers vertically with KC sets, but the FWDS couldn't get a header on net. As omens go, that isn't a good one."

I swear to god I remember Dave hating on Kei back in 09-10. He didn't want him. Now, to him, Kei was the only way we were gonna get things done. He's right though, Kei probably would have been great on setpieces against NER.

November 23rd: "WIZARDS: Here's the deal, the East Final is tonight on NBCSN. Winner goes to the MLS Final. KC would host, BTW. The Bad: KC couldn't score in Houston vs a VERY shorthanded team playing it's 5th game in 14 days and 7th in 21 or so. Houston will be as well rested now as MLS took a 2-week break for the FIFA International dates. KC's GK is awful, can't stop shots laterally, can't distribute, and everyone knows it. It means Houston will pressure at some point (should all game) and KC will have to build from 70+ yards from goal. The Good: Only 1 team has beaten KC in KC on the scoreboard in a lose-and-out situation in any competition since 1996 (Yes, it was Houston in 2011). KC is much better at, well, everything, at home. Energy at the park will be high. Bottom Line: KC has to finish the early chance when it comes or Houston might be traveling West next weekend."

I hope Dave was at the game, both the conference final and MLS Cup final. Even with his opinions, he's came around big time.

December 2nd: "KC overcame ify GK play, some all-too-frequent-lately defensive lapses, and some Houston misses to score one of the best passes (from #10-Feilhaber) of the season to win 2-1 and claim the Eastern Conference Championship. Hate the owners and colors, but I love the team. I dare you to not smile as Dom pots the clincher or when Jimmy lifts the East Cup...I dare you. GO WIZARDS!!!"

Most Wizardscharter comment ever. This makes me smile. Feels like the old days of BigSoccer are still alive.

December 2nd: "WIZARDS: RSL will be loads tougher than Houston or New England. Basically, in this year, most all the East teams were flat horrible to flawed at best. Even NY had bad defense and bad chemistry. Anyway, the majority of the handfull of good MLS sides were all out West. RSL is the West survivor and Champion. Thankfully they must come here. I'm less worried about KC's finishing with a hot Dom Dwyer. As KC and Nielson have only faced 10 shots on net in 4 full playoff games and allowed 4 to score, KC's Achilles' is obvious. Personally, I'm praying that RSL forgets completely how to score, the KC D remembers they are the best in MLS, and the hyped Cauldron wins the day."

Man, he really hates Nielsen. Like I'm sure he'd throw a cup of water in his face at a grocery store hate.

December 7th: "MLS Cup into ET. KC must score as they have zero chance in a pk situation IMO. GO WIZARDS!!!"

Miss ya Wizardscharter. Get over the hate for the owners, everything is perfect now. You come back, I buy your first beer in the Member's Club.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Better Together

It had to be them, just had to be. The planets were aligned, the stars pointed towards it. Didn’t seem like it would come together, their home form dipped, we gave 'em their first MLS loss at BBVA Compass Stadium ever. But they snuck in, just like last year, you just can’t shake 'em off. The Houston Dynamo are like that lingering cough you sometimes catch in fall or winter, sticks around long after you think you’re well and off antibiotics, then it sneaks up on you and you’re bedridden again.
The situation of Kansas City vs. Houston is odd enough for me. Some of my best US men’s national team supporter friends are from American Outlaws Houston. Hell, I enjoy their company more than most of AOKC these days and have thought about reupping my membership (if I even do) through their chapter. But I can’t help it that there is that lingering MLS stink between us, that doubt in my mind whenever they bring up the last two years, it hurts me ever so dearly.
July 4th, 2009. I remember my first in person KC-HOU tilt, my first year as a season ticket holder. Don’t remember much of that match, probably another CAB drab affair, but I remember that one thing. That prick Kei Kamara, man, back then, screw that guy. What a chump. The white glove tribute on the pitcher’s mound. That guy could have went down in KC infamy after that, who would have known how beloved he’d become.
September 22nd, 2010. Oh, that home matchup though. That was my mom’s first Wiz game since I was a kid. Middle of the week nondescript matchup against a Houston squad in disarray with no playoff hopes whatsoever against a Wiz squad still clinging to a dismal chance at any postseason play at all. The Houston goal scorers for that game were either crazy good on their way out like Dominic Oduro, a player with hope that never panned out like Cam Weaver (heh, he’s still at Houston somehow), and Adrian Serioux, who knows where the hell he ever ended up, it’s not in MLS at least.
Oh that game though, the chaos. Going down 2-0 early, and then fighting back with a Kei goal followed by 3-1 two minutes later, it looked all but over for the Wizards. My mom was probably the only person around us in the upper part of the CAB Cauldron who didn’t give up. She couldn’t have predicted Pat Onstad to fuck up like he did though, slipping and basically passing the ball right to Teal and handing him a goal. She couldn’t have predicted Ryan Smith’s right footed effort to be deflected by ADRIAN FREAKIN’ SERIOUX HIMSELF past Onstad to tie the game at 3-3. No one in history could predict Nielsen long ball to “Mikey Mo Money Kitty Kat” Harrington to Josh Wolff’s head to back of the net either. I celebrated hard with a wanker in a Newcastle jersey, he was the first person in sight that wasn’t my mother. What a night.
Then the curse began, November 6th, 2011.  It crawled in upon us as The Terror. The team provided the beers and food in the Sprint Plaza, Chiefs game being broadcast over the speakers. A certain person made the worst Jaeger Bombs ever and proceeded to mostly drink them by himself and throw them up. The Chiefs lost 31-3 to Miami at Arrowhead that day, the beginning of a 4 game losing streak and the beginning of the end for Todd Haley. Across the metro, Sporting Kansas City were the overwhelming favorites, I won’t even joke about how close it was. I had nearly booked my flight to LA earlier that week, my confidence had been that high.
But there was a lingering doubt, The Terror, that stopped me from doing it. 52nd minute, Seth Sinovic gives up an easy foul on Calen Carr, Helmet Boy. No problem right? Brad Davis is out, injured, Adam Moffat steps over the ball instead. Our defense can hold this, easy. Powered in from the right side, Jermaine Taylor headed into the far post, dinks off and right to Andre Hainault, 53rd minute and you’re down 1-0 at home in the biggest game since MLS Cup 2004. The game winning goal has been given and you don’t know it yet, you still have the hope, the lingering hope that you’re going to LA.
87th minute, Carlo Costly blazes past a lazy Aurelien Collin, slots one quite easily past Nielsen. 2-0, you’ve lost it at home, you were the favorites. Creamsicle celebrations abound. Awful, your body, soul, mind, hurts everywhere. This was supposed to be the dream, to fulfill it. I lingered around too long, helping put up flags, trying to take my mind off of what has just happened. I start to leave but I hear Don Garber’s voice congratulating those orange folks, right in time to see the fireworks and confetti. They were orange, all orange, in a sea of blue. I went home and slumbered for a long while, hurt too much from what should have been.
November 4th, 2012. Been a pretty good year, eh? US Open Cup Champions and just a game or so short of Supporter’s Shield, damned Goonies of San Jose. But for me, this hasn’t been the best week. Halloween night, I sit at my friend’s house, having commandeered the TV to put the Chicago-Houston wild card match on. My friend, Jesse, has been to a few games with me and mildly enjoys the sport but enjoys just drinking and hanging out more. We all have a grand ol’ time, the old gang back together again. I curse my luck, a planned Chicago playoff trip for that weekend is voided by those sneaky peeps from Houston winning 2-1. Oh well, I’ve got my friends and plenty of beer.
I walked home in the early morning, about an hour after another friend and I try to dissuade Jesse from driving home and sleeping in his truck or in the house instead. Later that morning, I’m woken up with a phone call that Jesse died in a drunk driving accident not long after leaving. The games no longer seem so important, I put off any attempts at trying to get to Houston for the game and figure out where to go from there. I watch the away leg from my couch, no alcohol, deep in my thoughts. 18th minute, Adam Moffat’s volleyed screamer, I can’t even get mad but I feel my bloody boiling, that dreaded curse is building. 75th minute, Will Bruin takes a ball from Calen Carr, Nielsen again fails to save. 2-0, blouses. See you Wednesday, because The Terror won’t take me.
November 7th, 2012. I leave for Orlando the next day on a long planned family trip, perfectly timed. If we win, I’ll miss the first leg in the next round, but at this point, I don’t even care. The Terror is nowhere to be seen, too numb from recent emotions. Only one thought in my head: win. Just win. And was I right, we won! We won the game! Yay! Oh wait, it doesn’t count for shit since it was only a 1-0 win, in the 64th minute, a goal from Seth “I Only Score in the Playoffs” Sinovic with the only chance the team finished. No orange fireworks, no orange confetti, we didn’t even make it that far. It was a good season, but I need to be far from here.
November 9th, 2013. We’re all idiots, a discussion that started in earnest at 11pm Wednesday night turns into a 12 hour car drive starting late Friday night. The members of what would later become known as Team Shart are on their way to Houston, Texas for the first leg of the 2013 Eastern Conference Finals. No one can ever doubt our commitment ever again, we are dumb thickskulled diehards and there isn’t a thing anyone can do about it. A solid hour and a half to two hour tailgate full of the best Texas BBQ ribs I’ve ever had and the worst pumped keg in the history of men later and we’re in BBVA Compass Stadium itself. I actually like the stadium, nice downtown setting that you can tailgate at, going to have a light rail connection soon, nice views from inside. I don’t care though, I’ve come for one thing only, a result.
90 minutes of the most unsavory sorry ass jet lagged soccer I’ve ever seen, but you wouldn’t be able to tell that from the way the Cauldron celebrated at the final whistle. We got what we needed, we didn’t give up anything in Houston, unlike the season before. Our future is in our own hands now, we are in the driver’s seat. Team Shart celebrates with the best deep dish pizza Houston can offer and plenty of beer, all while avoiding the most bizarre wedding party you’d ever encounter. We are now legendary, but at this point, we’re just glad to have gotten a hotel room.
12:01am, 11/23/2013. The game is 14 and a half hours away and I can’t sleep. Sporting Park will host, by far, the coldest game it’s ever seen. We are now in a situation like 2011, somewhat like that one legged encounter. But there is something missing, The Terror is gone. Unlike last year’s numbness and the year before’s terror, I feel only confidence and pride. I believe in this team, I believe they’ll get past Dom Kinnear’s stoic bus parking defense and allow me to buy one more ticket to a 2013 MLS game on December 7th. I feel like everything is right in the world, not just in Sporting, but in my life as well. I’m happy, I’ve finally found my passion in life, and I’m in the best relationship I’ve had in my life. The team and I have grown older in the past 3 seasons together, we’ve finally matured to the point where we can get through this. I’m one voice in the crowd, but put together with 20k+ others, we’re “louder” than you’d think.

See you at 6:30pm.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Mythical AO Seattle: Dos a Cero Version 4.0 From a AOKC North End Supporter

Everyone saw those reports: “American Outlaws Seattle Chapter to Standardize Columbus Game”. Everyone thought this was the end, AO Seattle would come in for every game, take over, tell you how to chant, how to pogo, how to tifo, how to wipe your ass. Those glory days of self controlled debauchery were long gone it seemed. You might as well have just purchased a Rave Green Dempsey shirt instead of a Centennial one. The end was nigh.

The Jump to Conclusions Mat was in full effect. Whatever happened between AO and AO Seattle, we will probably never know. Truth be told, I think it was real at one point and backfired on mainly just the Seattle guys, who I actually like and consider a few my new friends made in June. But standing up on the Capo Standing Area (would have killed for like a stand or something...) on Tuesday night, it seemed awfully American up there. We had guys from all over the country. My partner for the night was from DC, and was a United fan, so we shouldn't have gotten along and had such a great time.

There was only one AO Seattle member that I’m pretty sure was involved, and it was that one capo that took control of the microphone for a bit, yeah, you know the one I’m talking about. Mr. 3 Songs, the off tune nightmare. Pretty sure he was one of the leads up in Seattle, where he was in a much better atmosphere turning local chants into national ones, rather than taking the usual AO chants and trying to basically remember them. But overall, the rest of the time, we kicked ass in the North Bleachers.

Was there problems? Absolutely. The sound system only worked during spots or not at all in the rest of the stadium. The corner I was helping with didn't get any of the speaker parts at all, so I was walking back and forth between NB1 and the corners for the entire first half til I was exhausted and needed a nice water/sitting break at half. Thankfully, the corner had some great capos in there that were able to get their own chants going, but that led to the main stand getting all grumpy about people not staying on what they wanted going on. The system fell apart fully at about 30 minutes, when only entire stadium chants, like the Brazil related ones, were the only ones to get the entire stadium on the same page.

Could we have done it differently? I don’t think so. Everything was put in place to make it work. AO Columbus did a wonderful job of working on the tifos with all the other local Crew supporters groups. The stadium and staff worked well at trying to at least get a sound system to keep everyone in tune with the main stand. We had some great capos going in most sections, but would  really want to get more experienced capos in other sections, especially south stands, next time, was a near disaster most of the time down there apparently. But I can’t say I’d do it much differently if there was another big game at Crew Stadium coming up any time soon.

Dos a Cero was already legendary before this game, but it’s even more so now. US vs. Mexico will be there in 2017, no doubt. Crew Stadium will either be there upgraded, new stadium, or another stadium somewhere else in the city. But that game will be in Columbus, and it’ll be another all American fun time, not just Seattle, but the entire country. Don’t you fret.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

3 Years After Kansas City Wizards vs Manchester United: A Reflection.

For the past two years, I've retweeted and mentioned a certain game on this date, the day that truly proved the potential of Kansas City being a major soccer market. I remember some media from other parts of the country, and hell, even some of ours, looking at the attendance and the outcome as an outlier. To them, this was no proof at all, just a bunch of regional United fans coming down to KC to see the Red Devils play for perhaps their first and only time in their lives. I didn't see it as such on that day, and I certainly do not see it as that now days. July 25th, 2010, the preview party of things that lay ahead…
I vaguely remember the rumors and rumblings about United coming here, just seemed so impossible that it almost certainly had to happen. The (at the time) Wizards needed something big to pull people into buying season tickets at the new stadium, something that a regular season game at Community America Ballpark was never going to do. The official announcement confirmed all that craziness was to happen, as the first official event at the “new” Arrowhead. $30 for a Cauldron ticket, against Manchester United, holy balls. Pretty sure that ticket would be around $80 or more if it were to happen again anytime soon.
The tailgate was a preview of things to come as well. A massive joint Cauldron/AOKC tailgate with all that food and kegs on kegs on kegs of beer to be had. As a 20 year old loser at the time, I was pumped to drink as much and as fast as possible, getting thoroughly trashed pregame, but luckily not enough to forget the game. My poor ticket is in bad shape now days from a spilt beer near my pocket because of my negligence, but I still cherish that thing.

Row 4, I was up at the front, and it was beautiful. If I remember correctly, the only person I knew around me was Mike Kuhn, in row 3 right in front of me. Didn't matter, didn't speak to anyone, only sang and chanted my drunken rear off for the majority of the match. I remember walking in; the stands were covered in red, and not from the seats. Spots of blue were all over but dammit if the Cauldron didn't represent that day, we were fantastic. Few, if any, drums allowed in, so they banged on the metal overhang about 15 rows up to keep the beat, wonderfully improvised. God Save the Queen, Star Spangled Banner, the anthems were sung right near an ever rosy cheeked and slightly sunburned Sir Alex Ferguson. This was shaping up to be one of the oddest and most triumphant sporting events I had ever attended.
That 11th minute, that Davy Arnaud goal, I’m so glad to this day that he scored in that one. If Davy and Jimmy Conrad would have scored in that game, I probably would have died of the happiest heat exhaustion that anyone has ever croaked from. The red clothed folks started cheering on those boys in blue, which was no surprise. The stadium got loud though, sounded like all 52,424 fine taxpayers had jumped on the Wizards bandwagon. And then those wheels seemed to fall right off.
Damn you Terry Vaughn, damn you. If the Wizards would have lost that game because of you sending off Conrad in the 39th minute, in a goddamn friendly, I would take a dump on your picture on your birthday every single year. I shouldn't hate you for it though, because that red card instead made the game more historic. The Dimitar Berbatov goal, easy penalty, deserved. The crowd….went….absolutely….mild. Sounded as crazy as an Iowan town hall meeting in November. Down to 10 men, seemed like the blowout was incoming, a 7-1 win for the Reds or something.
Kei Kamara had a pretty decent start to 2010 and felt that he should have been voted into the All Star Game in Houston that season. Kei Kamara was not on the All Star squad and that irked him, so he decided to have his own All Star Game, and his own All Star jersey. Ball placed back at the center, Wizards take it down, goes out for corner, played in, BOOM, hits crossbar dead center, pops down, DID IT CROSS THE LINE? WHO CARES, TERRY VAUGHN SAYS SO, GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOALLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!! Kei Kamara debuts his KCW All Star shirt underneath his jersey, the man who never wanted to come to Kansas City at all the year prior was now beginning his run to a lasting KC legacy and the English Premier League. Arrowhead got loud, not as loud as a 1993 Chiefs regular season game, but damned if I didn't pound my seat and yell til I was near hoarse. I twirled my brand new blue and white bars KC Cauldron scarf harder than I ever had before
Halftime rolled around shortly after. While I sat, baking in that hot July sun, many people in the stadium were inquiring about the future Sporting Park, some placing deposits to this new stadium without much knowledge of the Wizards but a want, a deep down need, to learn about the beautiful game in Kansas City. Those roots started there for many, on that day.
I cannot remember much of the 2nd half. All those beers, the sun, humidity, finally caught up with me. I remember quite a few Kronberg saves and the last ever appearance of Sunil Chhetri, who would leave the club forever the following day. I remember those last 10 minutes though, I remember looking up at the clock every 30 seconds or so, expecting United to equalize, if not outright win, before time expired. I saw the board rise for how many minutes of 2nd half injury time would take place, keeping those precious minutes counting down in my phone. Those few minutes felt like an eternity, til finally, Mr. Vaughn blew the whistle three final times to call an end to the insignificant Wizards period and the start of a movement that was finally achieved and perfected a little over 2 years later on August 8th, 2012. The Cauldron went wild, our beloved Wizards had just taken out a slightly B squad but still one of the best in European soccer Manchester United. They show me during the closing parts of the Fox Soccer feed, I look damn near tears, scarf held high, singing my praises towards the yellow piped home team.

There are no friendlies scheduled this season for Sporting Kansas City, with the All Star Game and CONCACAF Champions League taking the time left for friendly practice games. The lasting legacy of that game started something in the minds of many Kansas Citians on both sides of the state line. This MLS team, those guys that used to wear rainbow jerseys, that had mini ponies at halftime for children to ride, those Wizards who were ridiculed at Arrowhead in the past, were now in the minds of more locals than anyone, possibly even the ownership too, could ever imagine. July 25th, 2010, the day where David defeated a Devil.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

What KC Wiz Means to Me and What it Means to You.

Feels like a good bunch of people have forgotten what the supporter culture is truly about and has taken to starting little spats online and offline with each other about things that include random invites on the Cauldron Facebook page, taken spots in the Member's Stand, and tailgate shenanigans. What the hell people? Have you forgotten what you paid for prior to the start of this season in a season ticket? There comes a point where one man breaks from all the song arguments, nerds dressed up as various attention seeking superheroes, and the worst, friends arguing with friends. When did the Cauldron become more of a job for people than a fun getaway from real life?

I often think back to my own humble Cauldron beginnings, back when the Cauldron was a two deep third base line bleacher area and the opposite stand was a grassy knoll that only politicians and parents with toddlers would be fearful of. I remember going to a game or two before getting season tickets, sitting near the Cauldron but not in it, remembering the days of Arrowhead, of the small group that had blossomed to a nicely sized group of what looked to be great friends. I sat in my chair most of the game, looking at that group, knowing I needed to get in with this, before the move to Bannister, because this thing was gonna take off and I wanted to be on that train of fun and excitement. MLS was sold to me in a minor league baseball park in what was once a wheat field in Kansas.

I could go on and on about the rest of my origins in the Cauldron, including picking my season tickets up in a shady transaction from Sam Pierron, the slick pieces of paper in a small Ticketmaster envelope. But I’m not, told those stories a million times. What I want is to hear your origins now. What brought you to the games, what sold you on the experience? How can we harken back to the wonders and glory that arrived for us in 2011 with the new stadium opening? I want to feel that again, and I hope you do too in a way. Let’s get back to having fun again. I hug less people and shake fewer hands at tailgates now days, feels more territorial than ever. Let’s all be friends and bros again. Join in, game on.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Red Vs. Blue

"ARROWHEAD STADIUM: HOME OF THE CHIEFS! 116 DECIBELS! NO ENEMY WINS HERE!" I remember words like that, I remember those good old days of the 1990s Kansas City Chiefs. Thomas, Montana, Smith, Shields, Gonzales. All names of my childhood. I remember the waiting list for season tickets went for miles and miles, third at one point only to the Green Bay Packers and the Dallas Cowboys. I remember going to my first game in 1994, the excitement of seeing a game in person. I remember the noise, deafening, nonstop pain nearly.

Those days are dead, forever. The growth of football has taken the 116 decibels away forever, can't disturb the club level (if they are even in their seats) after all. I usually attend a game or two with my dad every year now days. I was there last Sunday, the Bengals completely destroyed the lack wit RAC led squad, but the main issue just wasn't there. The tailgating atmosphere was gone, replaced with either frat boys in other team's jerseys or long time season ticket holders who still hold blind faith that once Pioli is fired, everything will turn around. False faith, but something nonetheless.

My dad and I had about 5 empty seats to share between us, the inhabitants nowhere in sight, must have been in the club level. I remember he stretched over to exclaim to me at one point, "This feels like the late 70s and 80s, the atmosphere, the play, awful." And Arrowhead was. Those Monday Night Football games sounded and looked great the last two seasons didn't they? They still didn't compare to 80k+ standing room nonstop noise of the old days. Pounding on your seats is way too easy when there is 10 empty ones around you.

Which brings me to my point: They couldn't have picked a worse time to suck. The NFL will always make money, the Chiefs will always make money. Anyone thinking that the Save the Chiefs blackout campaign could mount any success is a complete ignorant moron. Dent their pockets by not filling them while going to the game, paying $27 to park, $8 beers, and food on top of that. Spread the wealth on the other football, yeah, the one your buddy at work told you to come to.

I'm entering my 4th season as a season ticket holder with Sporting Kansas City this upcoming season, and I've never been happier. Silverware at long last, that delicious tease of near MLS Cup pride, the potential long term runs at even more domestic and international cups. In the winter, and I came close to getting season tickets for this as well, the Comets are there. Cheap beer before the game, the wackiest unnerving game I've ever seen sure, but at least they're winning and care about their fans. Hell, we'll have two women's soccer teams next season, even if FC Kansas City is the most uninspiring name they could have come up with.

I suppose this is more of a rambling Jack Harry-esque opinion piece than a blog, but hell, here we go. Clark Hunt, I'm not going to lie, I'm not leaving. I enjoy football, I still enjoy tailgating at Arrowhead, I still love walking up between the concrete pillars up to the common man's section. But when your people call, begging me at this point to buy season tickets, I won't listen. I will continue to buy my tickets from Stubhub or from friend's, completely cutting out that potential extra revenue that you might make. My days of merchandise purchases are on hold from here on out.

All we ever wanted was a team to enjoy. 2010 got awfully close but turned out to a short term red herring. Spend the money, splurge on players and front office staff. Stop using the Small Market excuse, you're making tons regardless because of NFL rules. I want to see your snide snarky ass lifting the Lombardi Trophy, don't you want that?

Until then, I become one of those casual fans. I'll still watch games at home until the blowouts worsen or blackouts happen. Redzone being available has been a wonder this season, making complete ignorance of the Chiefs that much easier. If you can chance your ways, you can reach me at M8, Member's Stand/Cauldron, Livestrong Sporting Park, 1 Sporting Way, Kansas City, KS 66111. Just look for the guy with the beard and the US Open Cup next to him, you know what that looks like, you lost the chance of having one in Seattle a few years back while you were wearing yellow.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


I have seen 5 total playoff games in my life. A Mavericks game 5 where they lost, the Chiefs January 2011 playoff game against the Baltimore Ravens where they lost, drove to Denver for the SKC-Rapids game last Halloween where they won 2-0, followed by the 2-0 finishing blow later that week. I was there for the eastern conference final last November, I remember the pain of the Dynamo players celebrating on the field. I remember the orange confetti, I remember the orange fireworks, I remember their fans going wild. I remember each every moment of those triumphs and pains.

I remember sitting in the very chair that I'm typing this from right now in 2010. I remember watching the throw in being taken 10 feet closer to the goal than it should have been. I remember Mike Fucito slotting the ball to the right of Nielsen in the 92nd minute, I remember the noise their crowd made and the hate that I felt. I remember the damn near same thing happening the very next year, twice in fact. I remember the corner kick in the 93rd minute, Jeff Parke who hadn't scored a goal since the first half of the Bush Administration. I remember my friend crying into my sister's shoulder, I remember the hatred I felt. I remember when they gave us our first home loss, the Omar Bravo fake headbutt and red card. The first goal came in the 90th minute, Mauro Rosales in his historical year, the second from Lamar Neagle. The hatred was etched permanently into me that day, I would never ever tolerate the Sounders from then on.

Today, today really isn't a playoff game. The format is similar but the field of teams is bigger. 64 teams entered with even more already eliminated from the qualification round. Hundreds upon hundreds of teams with one single goal: to lift that big silver cup. We fought off a team starving for an MLS future in Orlando City, we fought off a team with plenty to prove in Colorado, we fought off a team that most people had never heard of but wanted to be this year's Richmond Kickers in the Dayton Dutch Lions. We went into Philadelphia, a place where we had the snot beat out of us weeks before, and dominated the second half to bring the game to Livestrong Sporting Park.

I have never seen a championship game. My family wouldn't have been able to afford season tickets, let alone flying to DC for the 2000 MLS Cup. My interests were elsewhere in 2004, a lost 15 year old at the time. Those are the only other opportunities I've had for potential championship glory in my lifetime. The last time the Royals won anything, let alone qualify for the postseason, was four years before I was born. The Chiefs, well, they can make the playoffs but usually choke somewhere after regular season play ends. Today is my first day for potential championship glory.

I remember waking up on November 6th. I woke up in a sweat, in the middle of the night, at about 2am. The same time that I woke up this morning but something completely different took my mind. I was afraid, I had many doubts. Could we win? Could we take on the mighty LA at their home ground? I was struck dead with the Terror. But this morning, when I awoke, I only smiled. I had no fear, only the feeling of preparation. I do not dread this game like I did the ECF last November. Today, I only had one feeling, winning.

See you at 4:30.